My photography gear list!
What’s in my camera bag? This is my general carry round kit for commercial work, school prospectus and event photography.
I started my career using Canon gear which was the standard, the 5Dmk2 was a superb camera and all the lenses were fantastic especially the 70-200mm f2.8, that lens was incredible and probably my most used. I never really needed to upgrade as that camera worked totally fine for the 6 years that I had it, but a couple of things were bothering me, the first being it only had one memory card slot and the second was that my shutter count was exceeding 350,000! (not many camera shutters last as long as that!)
This is where Fujifilm came in, and it all started with one little camera…
The Fujifilm X100
12 megapixel
Leaf shutter
Hybrid viewfinder
Retro cool
Jump back to 2013 and I picked up one of these, the Fujifilm X100. This camera was ace and went with me everywhere as a family and general carry-round camera, I still use it to this day and it still produces amazing results. There has been four upgrades since its original release, the newest being the X100V which is an incredibly refined version in technology and looks. I will get one eventually!
So that is where my love affair with Fuji cameras started, but it wasn’t until I got my hands on the Fuji XT2 that I started think that I could replace my Canon kit for professional work. I was shooting weddings with the Canon 5Dmk2 and the Fuji XT2 as a secondary camera, which was great until editing the files in Lightroom where I’d have to treat the files differently, so not ideal. To me the Canon files still looked better…
Fujifilm XT3
Excellent, small, fast and powerful camera!
It wasn’t until I tried a free version of Capture One and loaded some XT2 files onto it that I realised I could make a switch from Canon. The Fuji images looked incredible on Capture One, so that was it, my mind was made up! I sold my Canon kit which pretty much funded a whole new Fuji system. Plus I upgraded to Capture One Pro and haven’t used Lightroom since, don’t get me wrong Lightroom is really good but just not with Fuji files.
My Fujifilm Kit 2020
My usual kit for commercial, school prospectus and event photography.
Ok so here is a list of what I have packed in my bag most of the time…
Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XT2
Fujifilm XF 16-55mm f2.8
Fujifilm XF 50-140mm f2.8
Fujifilm XF 23mm f1.4
Fujifilm XF 35mm f1.4
Fujifilm XF 56mm f1.2
Godox TT685 flash
Godox X1T flash trigger
Eneloop Pro batteries
Spider Black Widow holster
Manfrotto BeFree Advanced, (replaced head with Andoer arca-swiss clamp to quickly fit the Meike grips).
Fujifilm Lenses
The camera strap I have on my XT3 is made by a Australian company called Luckystraps. They look great, grip well and are made from a very good quality of leather. I’ve had this a couple of years now and I love it, it gets better with age!
My XT2, if shooting with two cameras, is hooked on my belt with the Blackwidow Spider Holster.
Amazing quality straps from Australia
I’ve got a few Thinktank bags but this is my current one, the Thinktank Urban approach. It’s a cracking bag for mirrorless cameras, small, slim and discreet but holds a lot of gear.
Thinktank Urban approach 15
So that’s it, that’s what’s in my camera bag! There are also a few other bits and bobs like a lens pen, lens cloth, pens, spare batteries, memory cards, the usual. Let me know if you have questions on any of the kit mentioned above.